
Fliegenfischen ist der Königssport unter den Fischern, Petri Heil!

Donnerstag, 15. August 2013

Fischgerechtigkeit am Lough Erne

Fischgerechtigkeit am Lough Erne


All pike weighing 4kg or more must be returned alive and unharmed to the water. You can retain one pike per day under four 4kg.
Ende des Zitats
Da protzt sich so ein vermutlicher “Tierquäler” auch noch damit dass er in 9 Tagen 62 Hechte gefangen hat.
Das kann man alles in so einem Akquirierungsforum für Bootsurlaub lesen.
Hinweis für die RoI:


Hinweise für RoI und NI:



Zitat aus den o.a Regulations:

Other fish species

There is a daily bag limit of four coarse fish (except pike). This means that anyone who catches more than four coarse fish (except pike) in a day while angling must return the fish to the water from which it was taken without avoidable injury.
Anyone who catches a coarse fish (except pike) which is greater than 25cm measured from the tip of its snout to the fork or cleft of it tail, must return it to the water from which it was taken without avoidable injury.
It is illegal for anyone to have more than four coarse fish at any one time caught by rod and line or hand line for use as bait in fishing for pike.
Ground baiting is permitted on most coarse fisheries.

Ende des Zitats

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